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Rauzat us Safa

Jesus was mentioned in a Persian historical work known as the Rauzat-us-Safa, written by Mir Muhammad Bin Khawand in 1417 CE.  The complete title of that book is, Rauza-tus-Safa fi Sirat-ul-Ambia wal Muluk wa Khulafa (Gardens of Purity concerning the biography of the Prophets and Kings and Caliphs).  It was published later, in the year 1852, in Bombay.  In this book, he mentions a tradition regarding a visit of Jesus and Mary to Nasibain (Nisibis).  It is noteworthy that the passage mentions that Jesus was a “great traveler.”

“Jesus (on whom be peace) was named the ‘Messiah’ because he was a great traveler.  He wore a woolen scarf on his head and a woolen cloak on his body.  He had a stick in his hand; he used to wander from country to country and from city to city.  At nightfall he would stay where he was.  He ate jungle vegetables, drank jungle water, and went on his travels on foot.  His companions, in one of his travels, once bought a horse for him; he rode the horse one day, but as he could not make any provision for the feeding of the horse, he returned it.“Journeying from his country, he arrived at Nasibain.  With him were a few of his disciples whom he sent into the city to preach.  In the city, however, there were current wrong and unfounded rumors about Jesus (on whom be peace) and his mother.  The governor of the city, therefore, arrested the disciples and then summoned Jesus.  Jesus miraculously healed some persons and exhibited other miracles.  The king of the territory of Nasibain, therefore, with all his armies and his people, became a follower of his.  The leged of the ‘coming down of food’ contained in the Holy Qur’an belongs to the days of his travels.” (Mir Muhammad Khawand Shah Ibn-i-Muhammad, Rauza-tus-Safa fi Sirat-ul-Ambia wal Muluk wal Khulafa, trans, “Gardens of Purity concerning the biography of the Prophets and Kings and Caliphs” (Bombay, 1852, originally written in 1417), Vol 1: 130-135)).

This quote does not explicitly draw any connection between Yuz Asaf and Jesus, but it is another clue which falls in line with other documents at this site that explicitly state that Jesus travelled to Kashmir.

The Bible does not mention any extensive travelling by Jesus  This mention in the Rauzat-us-Safa of the extensive travels of Jesus is interesting, in light of the following verse of the Bible:

1 “And he went out from thence, and came into his own country; and his disciples follow him.
2 And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?
3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.
4 But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.
5 And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.
6 And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching.”(Bible, Mark 6, vs. 1-4)

In this verse, it clearly appears that Jesus is saying that in his own homeland he had no honor.  One might draw from this verse the implication that Jesus had travelled to other lands, where he had received honor.  Certainly in his homeland he had not received honor, except amongst his own disciples, and was eventually crucified.

It is quite interesting that, while Jesus is quoted to have stated that he had no honor in his own name, the Qur’an makes the claim that he was honored:

When the angels said, ‘O Mary, Allah gives thee glad tidings of a son through a Word from Him; his name shall be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the next, and of those who are granted nearness to God (Qur’an, Chapter Imran, vs. 46).

[Editor’s note: For purposes of our work at the TOJ website, when referencing religious and scriptural works we treat those works coldly as sources of possible information or clues, not as religious works.  We do not involve ourselves with religious doctrine].

If the Qur’anic verse is true, where would Jesus have been honored?  Certainly not in Jerusalem.  Jesus answers this question himself: He is not without honor at places other than his own land.  In other places, he is honored.